Welcome To The
CyberKongz VX Guardian App
What is it?
The Guardian App lets you lock or unlock your VX Kongz via a secondary Guardian Address.
Locked VX Kongz cannot be transferred and remain safe even if their owner address gets compromised.
This allows you to keep your VX Kongz on a convenient Hot Wallet (Metamask, ...) and add the safety of a Cold Wallet as your Guardian.
What Do I Need?
User Address
This is the address that owns the VX Kongz and can use them on any dApp
Guardian Address (Cold Wallet Recommended)
This is the address that locks/unlocks your VX Kongz from being transfered
How Does It Work?
While connected to your User Address, set a Guardian Address of your choice
While connected to your Guardian Address, you can Lock/Unlock Kongz or even transfer them in case of emergency (if you allowed it from your User Address)